Meet the AGC Mamas


Our shop started shortly after the birth of my little Addison Grace. She is my 6th child and the little love of our family. This shop originally started with a love for bows and sewing. It’s now grown to include custom handmade clothing. 
After my brain tumor discovery and three brain surgeries with some complications, it’s become a way to calm anxiety and re-center. Everything I create is a special piece and designed to delight! Your purchase means I can keep busy and support our family. My 6 kiddos keep things busy around here! 

My partner in crime, Katii, is the woman behind a lot of our accessories. She stays at home with her sweet littles and works a lot of behind the scenes roles in this shop. A busy mom of four, she finds the time to provide excellent customer service. 

Both Katii and I have children with sensory processing disorders. With that in mind, all fabrics are chosen with buttery soft texture.  We strive to provide custom options that your child will love. 

 We offer high quality, durable fabrics and personal customer service. My small shop dream is to see every child wearing comfortable and sensory friendly clothing. 

Thank you so much for supporting this small shop dream 🥰